Monday, December 12, 2011


Wally's human writes: Like a lot of the Jackhuahua owner's that have submitted stories, there was a sad reason behind getting Wally.

September 2011 my boyfriend died, completely out of the blue. He was a healthy 28 year old, always cycling and working hard to earn money for us to move into out first home together. One week before we picked up the keys he suffered a massive heart attack in his sleep, Barry had a genetic disorder that nobody was aware of. My world was dark and empty, and my sister felt I could do with a companion.

I couldn't have asked for a more lovely friend that Wally. His mum is a miniture jack russel, his dad a teacup chihuahua. We specifically looked at smaller breeds due to having a small garden, but I'd never heard of Jack Chi's before. He didn't come from a breeder as such, his litter was the result of two family pets doing the dirty. When we went to see him he was one of three pups left, the other two were bitches and they looked much more like Jack's than he does. :D I fell for his little face and massive ears, reminded me of a dingo or a desert fox!

I've owned dogs in the past, but I've never known such a happy, friendly, clever puppy before. :) Wally is 6 months old, his ears stand tall unless he's sad or has just woken up. He's fast to learn; he can sit, wait, lay and give paw for treats, and while he's on walks he waits at the curb until he's told to cross over the road. He's been wearing jumpers and coats since 10 weeks old, we have no fuss getting them on and off him. There are six other dogs in my family, different breeds and sizes, Wally has known them all from the first week we got him, he'll make friends with anyone. I must say, the majority of people that we pass on the street feel compelled to stroke him :D I don't blame them, he's super cute. He has no idea how small he is, brave enough to play with dogs ten times his size, and his bark is loud enough to scare them off haha. I'm impatient, so curious to know how big he will grow!

For a little guy, he's made such a massive difference to my life. Any time spent with him is well rewarded with his obedience, love and kisses. Thumbs up for cross breeds!


  1. Wow I cannot believe Wally looks like just our little Caesar! We were not quite sure whether he was a jackhuahua but now we know! He is 4 and half months old and he just makes our life fun and meaningful with his smart ways and hyper little actions.. I came across this picture trying to figure out how big he might look as he grows and to find out if he is a jackhuahua!

  2. We love our jackhuahua. Hid name is Kona-Boy and he has ALL the best traits of both breeds. I'm a big dude (6'5-230lbs). Never thought I'd be caught dead w a small dog. Now, all I want are Jackhuahuas... and maybe an Akita. Hahaha
